Classic Series: Digital Gymnastic Score Displays (7 Segment Mechanical Digits)


This product family no longer manufactured but rentals available for large arenas. Some used units for sale with full warranty.

The Classic family of gymnastic scoreboards was Elite’s first generation of gymnastic scoreboards. Still popular for special need rentals they do feature all wireless Wi-Fi connectivity and use large 7-segment mechanical flip digit displays offering high visibility for very large venues with high ambient lighting. Note: provides display of the competitor number and average score only. The 9” high, fluorescent yellow digits are visible up to 500 feet. Scoreboards can only be wall mounted or cable hung from ceilings.

Input and score meets with iScore as Classic Scoreboards have been retrofitted for full Wi-Fi operation. iScore™ can be purchased for Apple’s iPhone, iPad, or iTouch smart devices to perform event score entry with the latest version of EliteFLEX MPRO which operates the scoring system. iScore™ can replace existing Wi-Fi Palm Pilots used for score entry or work in conjunction with them as a handy back up. The latest version of EliteFLEX MPRO supports all popular scoring packages including Score Master™, Pro Score version 4.0 & 5.0, or Score Keeper™ for NCAA Collegiate meets.