How to Set-up Apple Devices for Score Entry


Elite Technology Company now offers an Apple® judges score input application compatible with all popular MDX Series gymnastic scoreboards and the EliteScore MVP™ system featuring TV/Monitors for score display. It only works with the EliteFLEX MPRO application on the central scoring computer. The iScore™ application can be downloaded from the App Store for Apple’s iPhone, iPad, or iPod smart devices to perform event score entry with the latest version of EliteFLEX MPRO which operates the scoring system.

The iScore™ application can be downloaded from the App Store for Apple’s iPhone, iPad, or iPod smart devices to perform event score entry with the latest version of EliteFLEX MPRO which operates the scoring system.

  1. If you purchased your iScore™ device from Elite Technology, it will come with the EliteScore application loaded and configured to work with your scoring system. READ NO FURTHER!
  2. For those supplying their own iPods, iPads, or iPhones, you should first go to the Apple App Store for a free download of the application. Search EliteScore Event Score Entry.

  3. Next, each device must be connected to the scoring systems Wi-Fi network. On your Apple device, Go to >>Settings>>, >>Wi-Fi>>, and search for the Network SSID name which corresponds to the network name labeled on your Wireless Router (also labeled on your scoring computer). Most common default network SSID supplied by the factory is FLEX. With all SSID’s setup by the factory, the WEP security password is 6B7B730224.

  4. Once connected to the scoring network, open the EliteScore application on your Apple device. You will be asked to enter the MPRO IP address which is

  5. Next, set each Apple device to a corresponding user name and password which are set in the EliteFLEX MPRO application on your desktop. You can find or set your user names and passwords or find the ones set by the factory under Apple Accounts found in the title bar of the EliteFLEX MPRO application. Once the correct user name and passwords are set on each device, press >>Log On>> which takes you to the score entry key pad and ready to enter scores. For instructions on how to operate the key pad read the Quick Start Set-up guide provided with your system.